National School of Dance (KSOT)

Koula Pratsika is the founder of the first Professional School of Orchessis in Greece, in 1937. In 1973, the great teacher and innovative artist retired and conferred the School to the Hellenic State. Thus begins the State School of Dance, whose founder would be very proud today, as most of the professional dancers today in Greece come have studied in the School. Aiming to constantly renew its activities, the State School of Dance has been an exemplary educational institute and a center for the arts, bearing international status and credibility. Due to the School’s profile, the students are always up to date with the current trends while they also have the ability to work with significant creators from around the world, either inside the classroom or on stage. Having a curriculum that is constantly being renewed, a student exchange program in cooperation with foreign dance schools, the Open Studio institution as well as professional performances for the public by the Hellenic Dane Company, the National School of Dance is building the future of Greek dance, today.
